Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Links Ideas Together in French With Conjunctions
Links Ideas Together in French With Conjunctions Introduction to French Conjunctions Conjunctions provide a link between similar words or groups of words, such as nouns, verbs, people and things. There are two types of French conjunctions: coordinating and subordinating. 1. Coordinating conjunctions join words and groups of words with an equal value.   Jaime les pommes et les oranges.I like apples and oranges.    Je veux le faire, mais je nai pas dargent.I want to do it, but I dont have any money. 2. Subordinating conjunctions join dependent clauses to main clauses.   Jai dit que jaime les pommes.I said that I like apples.    Il travaille pour que vous puissiez manger.He works so that you can eat. French Coordinating Conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions join words and groups of words of equal value that have the same nature or the same function in the sentence. In the case of individual words, this means that they must be the same part of speech. If theyre clauses, they must be similar or complementary tenses/moods. These are frequently used French coordinating conjunctions: car  for, becausedonc  soensuite  nextet  andmais  butor  now, yetou  orou bien  or elsepuis  then ExamplesJaime les pommes, les bananes et les oranges.I like apples, bananas, and oranges.- Pommes, bananes, and oranges are all fruits (nouns).    Veux-tu aller en France ou en Italie ?Do you want to go to France or Italy?- France and Italy are both places (nouns).   Ce nest pas carrà ©Ã‚ mais rectangulaire.Its not square but rectangular.- Carrà ©Ã‚ and rectangulaire are both adjectives.   Je veux le faire, mais je nai pas dargent.I want to do it, but I dont have any money.- Je veux le faire and je nai pas dargent are present tense.   Fais tes devoirs, puis lave la vaisselle.Do your homework, then wash the dishes.- Fais tes devoirs and lave la vaisselle are both commands. Note: French children learn the mnemonic Mais oà ¹ est donc Ornicar ? to help them remember the most common French coordinating conjunctions- mais, ou, et, donc, or, ni and car. Repeated Coordinating Conjunctions Certain French coordinating conjunctions can be repeated in front of each of the joined items for emphasis: ni neither...norou...ou  either...orsoit...soit  either...or    Je connais et Jean-Paul et son frà ¨re.I know both Jean-Paul and his brother.- Jean-Paul and son frà ¨re are both people (nouns). Note that for the negative coordinating conjunction, the word ne goes in front of the verb, just like the ne in other negative structures. French Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions join dependent (subordinate) clauses to main clauses. A dependent clause cannot stand alone because its meaning is incomplete without the main clause. In addition, sometimes the dependent clause has a verb form that cannot stand alone. There are some frequently used French subordinate conjunctions: comme  as, sincelorsque  whenpuisque  since, asquand  whenque  thatquoique*  even thoughsi  if *Note that quoique must be followed by the subjunctive.*For subordinating conjunctions like afin que and parce que, see conjunctive phrases. ExamplesJai dit que jaime les pommes.I said that I like apples.The main clause is jai dit. What did I say? Jaime les pommes. Jaime les pommes is incomplete without jai dit. I might not in fact like apples, but I said that I did.    Comme tu nes pas prà ªt, jy irai seul.Since youre not ready, Ill go alone.The main clause is jy irai seul. Why will I go alone? Because tu nes pas prà ªt. The idea here is not that I want to go alone, but the fact that I will go alone since youre not ready.   Si je suis libre, je tamà ¨nerai laà ©roport.If Im free, Ill take you to the airport.The main clause is je tamà ¨nerai laà ©roport. Is this guaranteed? No, only si je suis libre. If something else comes up, I cant take you.   Jai peur quand il voyage.I am scared when he travels.The main clause is jai peur. When am I scared? Not all the time, only quand il voyage. So jai peur is incomplete without the juxtaposition quand il voyage. French Conjunctive Phrases A conjunctive phrase is a group of two or more words that function as a conjunction. French conjunctive phrases usually end in que, and most are subordinating conjunctions. condition que*  provided thatafin que*  so thatainsi que  just as, so asalors que  while, whereas mesure que  as (progressively) moins que**  unlessaprà ¨s que  after, when supposer que*  assuming thatau cas oà ¹Ã‚  in caseaussità ´t que  as soon asavant que**  beforebien que*  althoughdans lhypothà ¨se oà ¹Ã‚  in the event thatde crainte que**  for fear thatde faà §on que*  in such a way thatde manià ¨re que*  so thatde mà ªme que  just asde peur que** for fear thatdepuis que  sincede sorte que*  so that, in such a way thatdà ¨s que  as soon asen admettant que*  assuming thaten attendant que*  while, untilencore que*  even thoughjusqu ce que*  untilparce que  becausependant que  whilepour que*  so thatpourvuà ‚ que*  provided thatquand bien mà ªme  even though/ifquoi que*  whatever, no matter whatsans que**  withoutsità ´t que  as soon assupposà ©Ã‚ que*  supposingtant que as or so much as / as long astandis que  while, whereasvu que  seeing as/that *These conjunctions must be followed by the subjunctive.**These conjunctions require the subjunctive and ne explà ©tif. ExamplesIl travaille pour que vous puissiez manger.He works so that you can eat.The main clause is il travaille. Why does he work? Pour que vous puissiez manger. The idea here is not that you can eat, but the fact that you can eat because he works. Another clue is that vous puissiez manger cannot stand alone; the subjunctive is only found in subordinate clauses.   Jai rà ©ussi lexamen bien que je naie pas à ©tudià ©.I passed the test even though I didnt study.The main clause is jai rà ©ussi  lexamen. How did I pass the test? Certainly not by studying, since je nai pas à ©tudià ©. So jai rà ©ussi  lexamen is incomplete without the juxtaposition bien que je naie pas à ©tudià ©.    Il est parti parce quil avait peur.He left because he was afraid.The main clause is il est parti. Why did he leave? Because il avait peur. The idea il avait peur is incomplete without the main clause il est parti.
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