Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Cuban Missile Crisis - 2100 Words
The Cuban Missile Crisis The Cuban missile crisis was the most dangerous of the Cold War, but it still involves the two main superpower enemies; Russia and America, only this time Cuba got involved too. The Cold War happened because America was scared that Communism would spread to their democratic West. Russia being the huge superpower in the east was Communist, and after the Russian Revolution, Lenin was planned on making Communism worldwide, this†¦show more content†¦So the friendly relations between USA and Castro didnt last for long. Castro began a series of reforms, which included nationalizing the industries, which were mostly American. Also, Castro blamed the USA for the islands poverty and sought aid from the USSR. In the past the USA had always bought Cubas sugar, so when America refused to buy their sugar, the USSR agreed to buy it in return for oil and machinery. All this caught the USA off guard because the USA always saw Castro as non-threatening. A4 states that in America, Castro was virtually unknown and that American ignorance to the changes he had in mind was one of the reasons for the friction, which later developed between Cuba and America leading to the Bay of Pigs invasion. When Kennedy took over as American president in 1961, he became the youngest ever president. He was told of a CIA plan to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro, which he allowed to go ahead but the result was a disaster, and became known as the Bay of Pigs. On April 17th, about 1500 of Castros opponents landed at Cochinos Bay (Bay of Pigs) on the southern coasts of Cuba. They were equipped with arms provided by the USA. These rebels had told the CIA that the Cubans would join them and overthrow Castro, unf ortunately they did not. The group wasShow MoreRelatedThe Cuban Missile Crisis1149 Words  | 5 Pagescausing a civil war. Both the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War illustrate the United States attempt to combat communism. The Cuban Missile Crisis in the prevention of a nuclear war. Whereas the Vietnam War ultimately curtailed the spread of communism. (CMC) During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S was trying to prevent a nuclear war, and attempting to contain the hostility between the U.S and the Soviet Union. In 1962, an American U2 plane spotted a Russian missile site being built with shortRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis1495 Words  | 6 PagesKennedy was made aware of Soviet missiles in Cuba. This was the testing ground, the closest the world has ever been to nuclear war, the Cuban Missile Crisis, 16-28 October, 1962. The future for millions of lives depended upon the ability of United States President John F. Kennedy and Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev to reach an agreement in which both did not lose face, and more importantly, the world survived. The events leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis, as explained by Sheldon M. SternRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis1188 Words  | 5 Pageseven know. Topic Sentence: The Cuban missile was a crazy time. It happened some fifty years ago when John F. Kennedy was president. It was when one of U.S. spy plane caught Soviet Union trying to sneak some nuclear missiles into Cuba that was ninety miles off the United States’ coast. Soon enough president Kennedy had to talk to one of their leaders about what are they doing with the missiles and if they do not remove it there will be a war. The Cuban missile crisis happened during the Cold War betweenRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Essay2455 Words  | 10 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis bought the world closer to extinction than ever before. It was through the decisive actions of newly elected president John F Kennedy and then premier of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev that the confrontation did not escalate into all out nuclear war. The Cuban Missile Crisis lasted for 13 days, it was predicated on the fact that the Soviet Union was placing intercontinental ballistic missiles on the isla nd country of Cuba which is just off the coast of the United States nearRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis1016 Words  | 4 Pages Events leading up to this potential catastrophic war was the Cuban Revolution, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, US anti-communism, insecurity of the Soviet Union, and Cubas fear of invasion. Thankfully, the conflict was avoided due to great cooperation from both President John F. Kennedy of the United States and Soviet Union leader, Nikita Khrushchev. Each decision made by each leader was vital in the outcome of The Crisis. Kennedys choice to take action by methods of quarantine insteadRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis2013 Words  | 9 PagesInvestigation The purpose of this investigation is to establish the extent to which there was a victor at the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. This investigation will evaluate the position of both Khrushchev and Kennedy after the crisis in order to draw the victor. Looking into the intentions and goals of USA and the USSR leading up to, during, and recently after the crisis to determine the true victor, in between the years 1959 and 1979. Sources that will be used in this investigation includeRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis5937 Words  | 24 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis The world was at the edge of a third world war. This was the result of a variety of things: the Cuban Revolution, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, US anti-communism, insecurity of the Soviet Union, and Cubas fear of invasion all made causes for war. However, war was not the result due to great cooperation from both President Kennedy and President Khrushchev and each of the decisions made by the leaders was crucial in the outcome of The Crisis. Kennedys choiceRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Essay3251 Words  | 14 Pageswar. Looking back now, I realize the Cuban Missile Crisis was an extreme pivotal moment in the Cold War. 6 months ago my own country, the United States of America, had never been so close to Armageddon with the Soviet Union. On October 16th, 1962 I was informed that the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Centre had reviewed findings from U-2 aircraft photographs and had identified objects that were soon to be interpreted as medium range ballistic missiles. The U-2 flight, piloted by MajorRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Essay1292 Words  | 6 Pagesinevitable to the world, it was the first time nuclear war was hanging on a thread. The Cuban Missile Crisis presented a threat to the world, in which the USSR planted nuclear missiles on Cuba. America’s response was to threaten launching nuclear missiles at the Russians. This incident launched the world into a new time, which presented nuclear weapons as a source of power. The incident of the Cuban Missile Crisis still connects with us today because the power nuclear weapons present, which providesRead MoreCuban Missile Crisis Essay1203 Words  | 5 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13 day political and military deadlock in 1962 between the United States and the Soviet Union. It appeared that the Soviet Union was installing nuclear missiles in Cuba, and it was the closest the United States has ever came to a nuclear war. Using the movie, 13 Days, the Cuban Missile Crisis is explained and compared to the actual event. The crisis was led to by the Cold War. The Cold War was a period between 1947 and 1991 of geopolitical tension between the corrupted
Monday, December 16, 2019
Health Disparities Free Essays
Now a days it is very common that people’s health depends on their income rate, social environment and the area we live in, and now the mortality rate is very remarkable between areas of the community, what does the mortality rate has to do with our location? Here in San Antonio, diabetes mortality rate is very high but it is higher in some places than others, and this is because a person’s income influences their location, according to research data about diabetes mortality rate in Bexar county, areas that are located in the north have a lower mortality rate in the county. To compare the mortality and income rate between zip codes, I choose a zip code from an area of lower diabetes mortality rate and another one from an area with a higher rate. 78232 is a zip code located in the north side of the county, here the mortality rate is lower than in other areas, and 78237 which is located in the center, according to data in â€Å"community facts†the income rate in both areas changes significantly, people located in 78232 make an average of 65,887 a year and in 78237 drops to an average of 25,703 a year, so according to that information, where the income is higher, the mortality rate is lower, that is what also influences a person’s social group, and living areas, people live in places where they have access to all the accommodations they can afford to live better. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Disparities or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to the article â€Å"Social status has a measurable effect on health†studies show what are the main causes of health disparities, mostly in the united states, even though health care has improved a lot and it is better than years before, not everybody can get it, and that is because some people have a lower income rate and cannot afford it as easy as someone with a higher rate, and that also influences a person’s location in the community which may lead to unhealthy environments such as toxic substances, violent household, dangerous working place and stress, so people tend to have more health issues than someone who earns more money. If I was the major of San Antonio I would invest more money on building improved healthcare clinics all over the city no matter what the social status of people in each area is, so that way people can have better access to those facilities to go get checked more often for free, that way they can all prevent a more serious health issues that it is going to cost more money that poor people cannot easily afford. Transportation also becomes an issue for health care access, many people do not go to a doctor because they don not have a way of transportation, so I would invest some more money in public transportation all around the city, that way everybody has easier access to a hospital when they are facing a more serious health problem that needs to be taken to a hospital. Also a doctor’s experience it is very important for patients to have a healthier life, and getting good experienced doctors from better hospitals to other hospitals located in lower income areas, that way everyone in the city are able to get doctors with the same experience level. I think it is fair for everyone to get the same opportunities when it comes to health care regardless of their income or their location, because it is harder to improve a person’s living conditions and influences than improving health care access, it may not completely prevent people from getting sick, but it should reduce the risks for their health getting worse if they can get checked more often than they did before, also considering pre natal care for pregnant woman that need a doctor more often than anybody else, they have to be very healthy during their pregnancy and having a doctor close to their home, it is easier for them to get the required precautions to have a healthy baby, because according to the article â€Å" Health Divides†studies show that the baby mortality rate has remained the same over the years but it should be lower now that health care has improved so much, but it has not been equally accessible for everybody, that is why woman get little to non e pre natal care needed to have a healthy baby. Some woman that did not have a good education have lower job opportunities, and need to work more to barely support themselves and that keeps them from focusing on their baby’s health and their own during pregnancy, also it is more common for low income pregnant woman to smoke or drink alcohol than higher income woman, which it is influenced by their living conditions and social group. In Conclusion, the main problem is not the quality of health care but the access everyone is getting, everywhere is different and in some places is harder to get the medical attention one needs to prevent a serious health problem or improve their family’s health, and most people would want to improve their health but their low level of education is a great disadvantage to get a better job and earn a higher income. Even though we take good care of ourselves we cannot prevent health issues that is why we all need constant medical attention. How to cite Health Disparities, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Considering Music Lyrics and Imagery in the Sexual Health
Question: Describe about the Essay for Considering Music Lyrics and Imagery in the Sexual Health. Answer: Hip hop music, otherwise known as rap music, is a music genre that has assumed unprecedented popularity among the masses, since its inception in USA, long back in the year of 1970. Among the various hip hop artists, Lil Waynes commercial success speaks for itself. Born on September 27, 1982 in New Orleans, Wayne had an inherent love for rap music. He joined the American record label, at a very young age, and since then he had been enjoying a long musical journey in the US music industry. Gradually, Wayne formed his own hip hop group consisting of the former members of Cash Money Records group (Dougherty and Terri). After releasing several studio albums such as Get it How U Live, 400 Degreez, Bling Bling that were instant success, came the very famous, Guerilla warfare in the year 1999, that was not only an instant hit, but got sold more than 1 Million copies. Gradually, the aspiring rapper that Wayne was, started gaining quick recognition among the masses, and he was already on his way to stardom. In the year of 2004, the release of his The Cater further helped him in cementing his reputation in the music industry. In the following years, the release of Dedication, Like Father Like Son, not only hit the top of the pop charts, but also earned huge critical appraisal. However, Waynes biggest achievement came in the year 2009, when his talent was critically adored, by awarding him the Grammy Award for best rap song, best solo performance and best rap performance group (Phillips and Jason). Beyond the fast verse, and the rhythmic beats, of Waynes songs, there is always an inner, profound meaning for which he has been critically panned over the past years (Johnson). One of the most meaningful, touching, deeply lyrical songs by Wayne was Dear Lord. The song reveals the deep rooted frustration of the rapper, as he goes on describing the meaninglessness of his existence, and his inability to cope up with things as they are. He candidly confesses before God, that he is in the dark, devoid of any ray of hope showing where Im going. Although the sing reflects his strong desire to survive the odds of life, and to emerge a winner, yet he is skeptical of his choice. He sings in utter frustration, Im dying to get overall my dramas over. Waynes drug addiction, his separation with ex-wife, Toya Carter, the financial loss borne by his charity organization, added to his frustration and mental agony that finds a powerful expression in his songs. In fact, almost in each song of Lil Wayn e, one can trace an element of pain, melancholy, depression, despondence and meaningless of existence. In his song, No Love, one can trace the conflict between hopelessness and yet strong urges to overcome the challenges and fear of life. Although, the boy succeeds in defeating his bullies, yet the strong sense of pessimism pervades the tone of the poem. There is a constant reference to the parental conflict and consequent indifference of the parents towards the well-being of the child. Since his childhood, Wayne had never experienced a good relation with his father, and it is worth mentioning that he always had a strong disliking for his biological father. In an interview with GQ magazine, he bluntly asserted that he hates his father, and that he had always been hurt by his stark indifference towards him. In this way, several songs of Lil Wayne are directly inspired from the tragic horror of his life (Please refer to Appendix 2). One of the most poignant songs of Wayne, was How To Love that depicts the horror of a pregnant woman, who was being abused by her boyfriend, followed by her daughter being the victim of child molestation. Here, it is worth noting, that Wayne, in an interview stated that he was being raped and molested at the age of 11 years, by a young lady. In his own documentary, named Carter, Lil Wayne said that I got raped when I was eleven Ill never forget that day I was scared. Thus, abuse, sexual molestation and prostitution have been the recurrent theme in the songs of Lil Wayne (Robinson and Leamon). The most important quality in Wayne that sets him apart from many of his contemporary musicians is his frank use of explicit contents, and debatable issues in many of his songs (Giroux and Henry). It is needless to say, that some of his most romantic songs, such as Marvins Room, contain explicitly sexual imagery, where he treats love in a very sensual way, rather than dwelling on the emotional appeal of the same. His Lollypop is another instance where he treats too much adult imagery, and surely takes it to another level (Lewis and Heidi). As a result of the explicit content, he has also earned a considerable amount of negative reputation. However, when asked in an interview the reason behind his use of explicit contents, Wayne asked, What do you want me to talk about, the worldI am a musician. He refused to differentiate between good and bad, while composing his songs (Please refer to Appendix 1). Although Wayne stated that he is not here to lecture people about the moral values or principles of life, yet he was always being one of the most controversial figures in the world of rap music (Chandler and Rasheeta). The rap songs composed by Wayne has always been accused of having set a bad example for the youths. No matter how much most of the rap songs are blamed to be morally degrading and politically demeaning, many of the rap songs express the age-old disappointment and utter frustration of the black singers. Waynes songs though not are always racist, yet his remix version of the song Karate Chop, makes a racist comment by making jest of Emmett Till. Lil Wayne is one of the most talented American rapper, and no matter what he has a huge impact on a huge mass of people. While on the one hand, he can manipulate words, on the other hand he has a free, rhythmic flow; his sense of good beats and his screams, and his lyricism has contributed to the huge popularity he has been enjoying over the years. Reference List: Chandler, Rasheeta, et al. "Considering Music Lyrics and Imagery in the Sexual Health of Black College Students A Pilot Study."Journal of Black Studies46.6 (2015): 564-586. Dougherty, Terri.The Story of Cash Money Records. Mason Crest, 2014. Giroux, Henry A. "Racism, popular culture and public memory."Arena Magazine (Fitzroy, Vic)125 (2013): 31. Johnson, F. Geoffrey. "A note to hip hop."African American Review46.1 (2013): 167-169. Kaufman, Gil. "Lil Wayne, TI, Future Teaming Up For'America's Most Wanted'TourMusic, Celebrity, Artist News."MTV.com. Retrieved March26 (2013). Lewis, Heidi R. "Let Me Just Taste You: Lil Wayne and Rap's Politics of Cunnilingus."The Journal of Popular Culture49.2 (2016): 289-305. Phillips, Jason. "Early life."The Lil Wayne Handbook-Everything you need to know about Lil Wayne(2013): 135. Robinson, Reginald Leamon. "Gangsta Rap Lyrics and Early Childhood Cruelties: are These Artists Searching for Enlightened Witnesses and Seeking to Reveal the Real Truth of Black Mother-Son Love."Journal of Research in Gender Studies5.1 (2015): 73-92.
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