Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Cuban Missile Crisis - 2100 Words
The Cuban Missile Crisis The Cuban missile crisis was the most dangerous of the Cold War, but it still involves the two main superpower enemies; Russia and America, only this time Cuba got involved too. The Cold War happened because America was scared that Communism would spread to their democratic West. Russia being the huge superpower in the east was Communist, and after the Russian Revolution, Lenin was planned on making Communism worldwide, this†¦show more content†¦So the friendly relations between USA and Castro didnt last for long. Castro began a series of reforms, which included nationalizing the industries, which were mostly American. Also, Castro blamed the USA for the islands poverty and sought aid from the USSR. In the past the USA had always bought Cubas sugar, so when America refused to buy their sugar, the USSR agreed to buy it in return for oil and machinery. All this caught the USA off guard because the USA always saw Castro as non-threatening. A4 states that in America, Castro was virtually unknown and that American ignorance to the changes he had in mind was one of the reasons for the friction, which later developed between Cuba and America leading to the Bay of Pigs invasion. When Kennedy took over as American president in 1961, he became the youngest ever president. He was told of a CIA plan to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro, which he allowed to go ahead but the result was a disaster, and became known as the Bay of Pigs. On April 17th, about 1500 of Castros opponents landed at Cochinos Bay (Bay of Pigs) on the southern coasts of Cuba. They were equipped with arms provided by the USA. These rebels had told the CIA that the Cubans would join them and overthrow Castro, unf ortunately they did not. The group wasShow MoreRelatedThe Cuban Missile Crisis1149 Words  | 5 Pagescausing a civil war. Both the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War illustrate the United States attempt to combat communism. The Cuban Missile Crisis in the prevention of a nuclear war. Whereas the Vietnam War ultimately curtailed the spread of communism. (CMC) During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S was trying to prevent a nuclear war, and attempting to contain the hostility between the U.S and the Soviet Union. In 1962, an American U2 plane spotted a Russian missile site being built with shortRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis1495 Words  | 6 PagesKennedy was made aware of Soviet missiles in Cuba. This was the testing ground, the closest the world has ever been to nuclear war, the Cuban Missile Crisis, 16-28 October, 1962. The future for millions of lives depended upon the ability of United States President John F. Kennedy and Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev to reach an agreement in which both did not lose face, and more importantly, the world survived. The events leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis, as explained by Sheldon M. SternRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis1188 Words  | 5 Pageseven know. Topic Sentence: The Cuban missile was a crazy time. It happened some fifty years ago when John F. Kennedy was president. It was when one of U.S. spy plane caught Soviet Union trying to sneak some nuclear missiles into Cuba that was ninety miles off the United States’ coast. Soon enough president Kennedy had to talk to one of their leaders about what are they doing with the missiles and if they do not remove it there will be a war. The Cuban missile crisis happened during the Cold War betweenRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Essay2455 Words  | 10 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis bought the world closer to extinction than ever before. It was through the decisive actions of newly elected president John F Kennedy and then premier of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev that the confrontation did not escalate into all out nuclear war. The Cuban Missile Crisis lasted for 13 days, it was predicated on the fact that the Soviet Union was placing intercontinental ballistic missiles on the isla nd country of Cuba which is just off the coast of the United States nearRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis1016 Words  | 4 Pages Events leading up to this potential catastrophic war was the Cuban Revolution, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, US anti-communism, insecurity of the Soviet Union, and Cubas fear of invasion. Thankfully, the conflict was avoided due to great cooperation from both President John F. Kennedy of the United States and Soviet Union leader, Nikita Khrushchev. Each decision made by each leader was vital in the outcome of The Crisis. Kennedys choice to take action by methods of quarantine insteadRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis2013 Words  | 9 PagesInvestigation The purpose of this investigation is to establish the extent to which there was a victor at the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. This investigation will evaluate the position of both Khrushchev and Kennedy after the crisis in order to draw the victor. Looking into the intentions and goals of USA and the USSR leading up to, during, and recently after the crisis to determine the true victor, in between the years 1959 and 1979. Sources that will be used in this investigation includeRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis5937 Words  | 24 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis The world was at the edge of a third world war. This was the result of a variety of things: the Cuban Revolution, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, US anti-communism, insecurity of the Soviet Union, and Cubas fear of invasion all made causes for war. However, war was not the result due to great cooperation from both President Kennedy and President Khrushchev and each of the decisions made by the leaders was crucial in the outcome of The Crisis. Kennedys choiceRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Essay3251 Words  | 14 Pageswar. Looking back now, I realize the Cuban Missile Crisis was an extreme pivotal moment in the Cold War. 6 months ago my own country, the United States of America, had never been so close to Armageddon with the Soviet Union. On October 16th, 1962 I was informed that the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Centre had reviewed findings from U-2 aircraft photographs and had identified objects that were soon to be interpreted as medium range ballistic missiles. The U-2 flight, piloted by MajorRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Essay1292 Words  | 6 Pagesinevitable to the world, it was the first time nuclear war was hanging on a thread. The Cuban Missile Crisis presented a threat to the world, in which the USSR planted nuclear missiles on Cuba. America’s response was to threaten launching nuclear missiles at the Russians. This incident launched the world into a new time, which presented nuclear weapons as a source of power. The incident of the Cuban Missile Crisis still connects with us today because the power nuclear weapons present, which providesRead MoreCuban Missile Crisis Essay1203 Words  | 5 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13 day political and military deadlock in 1962 between the United States and the Soviet Union. It appeared that the Soviet Union was installing nuclear missiles in Cuba, and it was the closest the United States has ever came to a nuclear war. Using the movie, 13 Days, the Cuban Missile Crisis is explained and compared to the actual event. The crisis was led to by the Cold War. The Cold War was a period between 1947 and 1991 of geopolitical tension between the corrupted
Monday, December 16, 2019
Health Disparities Free Essays
Now a days it is very common that people’s health depends on their income rate, social environment and the area we live in, and now the mortality rate is very remarkable between areas of the community, what does the mortality rate has to do with our location? Here in San Antonio, diabetes mortality rate is very high but it is higher in some places than others, and this is because a person’s income influences their location, according to research data about diabetes mortality rate in Bexar county, areas that are located in the north have a lower mortality rate in the county. To compare the mortality and income rate between zip codes, I choose a zip code from an area of lower diabetes mortality rate and another one from an area with a higher rate. 78232 is a zip code located in the north side of the county, here the mortality rate is lower than in other areas, and 78237 which is located in the center, according to data in â€Å"community facts†the income rate in both areas changes significantly, people located in 78232 make an average of 65,887 a year and in 78237 drops to an average of 25,703 a year, so according to that information, where the income is higher, the mortality rate is lower, that is what also influences a person’s social group, and living areas, people live in places where they have access to all the accommodations they can afford to live better. We will write a custom essay sample on Health Disparities or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to the article â€Å"Social status has a measurable effect on health†studies show what are the main causes of health disparities, mostly in the united states, even though health care has improved a lot and it is better than years before, not everybody can get it, and that is because some people have a lower income rate and cannot afford it as easy as someone with a higher rate, and that also influences a person’s location in the community which may lead to unhealthy environments such as toxic substances, violent household, dangerous working place and stress, so people tend to have more health issues than someone who earns more money. If I was the major of San Antonio I would invest more money on building improved healthcare clinics all over the city no matter what the social status of people in each area is, so that way people can have better access to those facilities to go get checked more often for free, that way they can all prevent a more serious health issues that it is going to cost more money that poor people cannot easily afford. Transportation also becomes an issue for health care access, many people do not go to a doctor because they don not have a way of transportation, so I would invest some more money in public transportation all around the city, that way everybody has easier access to a hospital when they are facing a more serious health problem that needs to be taken to a hospital. Also a doctor’s experience it is very important for patients to have a healthier life, and getting good experienced doctors from better hospitals to other hospitals located in lower income areas, that way everyone in the city are able to get doctors with the same experience level. I think it is fair for everyone to get the same opportunities when it comes to health care regardless of their income or their location, because it is harder to improve a person’s living conditions and influences than improving health care access, it may not completely prevent people from getting sick, but it should reduce the risks for their health getting worse if they can get checked more often than they did before, also considering pre natal care for pregnant woman that need a doctor more often than anybody else, they have to be very healthy during their pregnancy and having a doctor close to their home, it is easier for them to get the required precautions to have a healthy baby, because according to the article â€Å" Health Divides†studies show that the baby mortality rate has remained the same over the years but it should be lower now that health care has improved so much, but it has not been equally accessible for everybody, that is why woman get little to non e pre natal care needed to have a healthy baby. Some woman that did not have a good education have lower job opportunities, and need to work more to barely support themselves and that keeps them from focusing on their baby’s health and their own during pregnancy, also it is more common for low income pregnant woman to smoke or drink alcohol than higher income woman, which it is influenced by their living conditions and social group. In Conclusion, the main problem is not the quality of health care but the access everyone is getting, everywhere is different and in some places is harder to get the medical attention one needs to prevent a serious health problem or improve their family’s health, and most people would want to improve their health but their low level of education is a great disadvantage to get a better job and earn a higher income. Even though we take good care of ourselves we cannot prevent health issues that is why we all need constant medical attention. How to cite Health Disparities, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Considering Music Lyrics and Imagery in the Sexual Health
Question: Describe about the Essay for Considering Music Lyrics and Imagery in the Sexual Health. Answer: Hip hop music, otherwise known as rap music, is a music genre that has assumed unprecedented popularity among the masses, since its inception in USA, long back in the year of 1970. Among the various hip hop artists, Lil Waynes commercial success speaks for itself. Born on September 27, 1982 in New Orleans, Wayne had an inherent love for rap music. He joined the American record label, at a very young age, and since then he had been enjoying a long musical journey in the US music industry. Gradually, Wayne formed his own hip hop group consisting of the former members of Cash Money Records group (Dougherty and Terri). After releasing several studio albums such as Get it How U Live, 400 Degreez, Bling Bling that were instant success, came the very famous, Guerilla warfare in the year 1999, that was not only an instant hit, but got sold more than 1 Million copies. Gradually, the aspiring rapper that Wayne was, started gaining quick recognition among the masses, and he was already on his way to stardom. In the year of 2004, the release of his The Cater further helped him in cementing his reputation in the music industry. In the following years, the release of Dedication, Like Father Like Son, not only hit the top of the pop charts, but also earned huge critical appraisal. However, Waynes biggest achievement came in the year 2009, when his talent was critically adored, by awarding him the Grammy Award for best rap song, best solo performance and best rap performance group (Phillips and Jason). Beyond the fast verse, and the rhythmic beats, of Waynes songs, there is always an inner, profound meaning for which he has been critically panned over the past years (Johnson). One of the most meaningful, touching, deeply lyrical songs by Wayne was Dear Lord. The song reveals the deep rooted frustration of the rapper, as he goes on describing the meaninglessness of his existence, and his inability to cope up with things as they are. He candidly confesses before God, that he is in the dark, devoid of any ray of hope showing where Im going. Although the sing reflects his strong desire to survive the odds of life, and to emerge a winner, yet he is skeptical of his choice. He sings in utter frustration, Im dying to get overall my dramas over. Waynes drug addiction, his separation with ex-wife, Toya Carter, the financial loss borne by his charity organization, added to his frustration and mental agony that finds a powerful expression in his songs. In fact, almost in each song of Lil Wayn e, one can trace an element of pain, melancholy, depression, despondence and meaningless of existence. In his song, No Love, one can trace the conflict between hopelessness and yet strong urges to overcome the challenges and fear of life. Although, the boy succeeds in defeating his bullies, yet the strong sense of pessimism pervades the tone of the poem. There is a constant reference to the parental conflict and consequent indifference of the parents towards the well-being of the child. Since his childhood, Wayne had never experienced a good relation with his father, and it is worth mentioning that he always had a strong disliking for his biological father. In an interview with GQ magazine, he bluntly asserted that he hates his father, and that he had always been hurt by his stark indifference towards him. In this way, several songs of Lil Wayne are directly inspired from the tragic horror of his life (Please refer to Appendix 2). One of the most poignant songs of Wayne, was How To Love that depicts the horror of a pregnant woman, who was being abused by her boyfriend, followed by her daughter being the victim of child molestation. Here, it is worth noting, that Wayne, in an interview stated that he was being raped and molested at the age of 11 years, by a young lady. In his own documentary, named Carter, Lil Wayne said that I got raped when I was eleven Ill never forget that day I was scared. Thus, abuse, sexual molestation and prostitution have been the recurrent theme in the songs of Lil Wayne (Robinson and Leamon). The most important quality in Wayne that sets him apart from many of his contemporary musicians is his frank use of explicit contents, and debatable issues in many of his songs (Giroux and Henry). It is needless to say, that some of his most romantic songs, such as Marvins Room, contain explicitly sexual imagery, where he treats love in a very sensual way, rather than dwelling on the emotional appeal of the same. His Lollypop is another instance where he treats too much adult imagery, and surely takes it to another level (Lewis and Heidi). As a result of the explicit content, he has also earned a considerable amount of negative reputation. However, when asked in an interview the reason behind his use of explicit contents, Wayne asked, What do you want me to talk about, the worldI am a musician. He refused to differentiate between good and bad, while composing his songs (Please refer to Appendix 1). Although Wayne stated that he is not here to lecture people about the moral values or principles of life, yet he was always being one of the most controversial figures in the world of rap music (Chandler and Rasheeta). The rap songs composed by Wayne has always been accused of having set a bad example for the youths. No matter how much most of the rap songs are blamed to be morally degrading and politically demeaning, many of the rap songs express the age-old disappointment and utter frustration of the black singers. Waynes songs though not are always racist, yet his remix version of the song Karate Chop, makes a racist comment by making jest of Emmett Till. Lil Wayne is one of the most talented American rapper, and no matter what he has a huge impact on a huge mass of people. While on the one hand, he can manipulate words, on the other hand he has a free, rhythmic flow; his sense of good beats and his screams, and his lyricism has contributed to the huge popularity he has been enjoying over the years. Reference List: Chandler, Rasheeta, et al. "Considering Music Lyrics and Imagery in the Sexual Health of Black College Students A Pilot Study."Journal of Black Studies46.6 (2015): 564-586. Dougherty, Terri.The Story of Cash Money Records. Mason Crest, 2014. Giroux, Henry A. "Racism, popular culture and public memory."Arena Magazine (Fitzroy, Vic)125 (2013): 31. Johnson, F. Geoffrey. "A note to hip hop."African American Review46.1 (2013): 167-169. Kaufman, Gil. "Lil Wayne, TI, Future Teaming Up For'America's Most Wanted'TourMusic, Celebrity, Artist News."MTV.com. Retrieved March26 (2013). Lewis, Heidi R. "Let Me Just Taste You: Lil Wayne and Rap's Politics of Cunnilingus."The Journal of Popular Culture49.2 (2016): 289-305. Phillips, Jason. "Early life."The Lil Wayne Handbook-Everything you need to know about Lil Wayne(2013): 135. Robinson, Reginald Leamon. "Gangsta Rap Lyrics and Early Childhood Cruelties: are These Artists Searching for Enlightened Witnesses and Seeking to Reveal the Real Truth of Black Mother-Son Love."Journal of Research in Gender Studies5.1 (2015): 73-92.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
WomenS Rights In 3Rd World Countries Essays - Gender Studies
Women'S Rights In 3Rd World Countries There was a young woman who left her home in Mycrorayan in Kabul, Afghanistan for Peshawar after the January 1994 fighting and told Amnesty International of the following situation. One day when my father was walking past a building complex he heard screams of women coming from an apartment block which had just been captured by forces of General Dostum. He was told by the people that Dostum's guards had entered the block and were looting the property and raping the women. The following story comes out of Iran. On August 10, 1994, in the city of Arak, Iran, a woman was sentenced to death by stoning. According to the ruling of the religious judge, her husband and two children were forced to attend the execution. The woman urged her husband to take the children away, but to no avail. A truck full of stones was brought in to be used during the stoning. In the middle of the stoning, although her eyes had been gouged out, the victim was able to escape from the ditch and started running away, but the regime's guards recaptured her and shot her to death. From China comes the following observation. Still in the streets an occasional old crone hobbling around on her miniature bound feet was a relic of the pre-Revolutionary, almost dead past. I also heard an echo of that past in a silk thread factory in Wuxi, China. A woman member of its Revolutionary Committee was introduced to me as a ?veteran worker'. The description astonished me because she looked so young. On inquiry I learned that she was indeed only 34 years old, but that she had toiled in the mill for twenty-six years, having begun this job as an 8-year old child.? These three incidents reflect typical crimes and injustices against women in the Third World countries. Crimes against women include abuse, slavery, false imprisonment, murder and rape. In these countries, women are considered to be inferior to men and are not granted equal rights or protection under the laws. The governments, religions and cultures of these countries support the inequalities, thus allowing vicious crimes against women to continue without any recourse by the victims. The phrase ?women's rights? refers to the basic human rights that are withheld from women simply because they are women. Women's rights promote political, social and economic equality for women in a society that traditionally confers more status and freedom to men. A basic right is for girls to grow up to be women: today twelve percent of the females born worldwide are missing, many of them victims of infanticide. Other women's rights include: the right to live free of physical abuse, the right to live f ree of sexual exploitation, the right to health care and nutrition, the right to an acceptable standard of living, the right to chose her own partner, the right to vote, the right to control property, and the right to equal treatment before the law along with freedom of speech. Women in Third World countries do not have the rights that American women enjoy. In most of these countries, women do not even have rights equivalent to those of American women in the nineteenth century. For example, the women have arranged marriages, have very limited access to education and are abused by their arranged husbands. In these countries, women work twice as many hours as men for one-tenth of the income. The inequities vary from country to country, but one thing is in common; the inequalities are all being committed against women. This paper will explore the condition of women in three Third World Countries: Afghanistan, China and Iran. Afghanistan They shot my father right in front of me. He was a shopkeeper. It was nine o'clock at night. They came to our house and told him they had orders to kill him because he allowed me to go to school. The Mujahideen had already stopped me from going to school, but that was not enough. They then came and killed my father. I cannot describe what they did to me after killing my father. (15-year-old girl, p. 10) This is the story of a 15 year old girl who
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Unsympathetic a character Essay Example
Unsympathetic a character Essay Example Unsympathetic a character Paper Unsympathetic a character Paper Each character is punished in an appropriate way. Birling fears for his familys reputation at the inquest; Sheila feels shame for her selfishness; Gerald has his affair revealed in front of Sheila; Mrs Birling has her illusions about the respectability of her family shattered by Eric; and Eric is revealed before his indulgent parents as a spoilt and inadequate young man. But notice how in each case the punishment is a consequence of their own behaviour; the Inspector himself does not bring punishment from outside. Perhaps this is why they are given a second chance at the end of the play that their experience should have been a warning to them, and that next time, it is the apocalyptic future predicted by the inspectors final speech that lies in store for them and for us. As he deals with Birling he tells him that Eva Smith used to work for Birling and company, Birling hardly remembering the name has to be reminded by a photograph. I think that Mr. Birling was a difficult member of the family to get the real truth out of. Now look here Inspector Birling does not believe he has a responsibility to society, only to his family: a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own. He is not upset, unlike Eric, at hearing the details of the girls death, which shows him to be a little heartless. He is suspiciously defensive when he thinks the Inspector is accusing him of causing it, and like Mrs Birling is relieved when he thinks the finger is no longer pointing at him. This is hypocritical because, as the Inspector says, the girls [still] dead, though. It is known that Birling sacked the girl because she was rude and wanted a pay rise. He thought (as an upper class citizen) this was very rude coming from a slave girl. Next the Inspector moves on to Mr. Birlings daughter, Sheila. Her involvement with the death was similar to her fathers. One day, whilst shopping in a very expensive dress shop, Eva Smith laughed at her trying on one particular dress. Sheila, of course, was very mad and ordered at once that this girl was fired, and so it was. Once she realises what she has done, she quotes so Im really responsible? She blames herself for the death and regrets every move she did, but the Inspector says that wont help, Eva is dead. From the start Sheila has come across as a young, pretty and sensitive girl. She had a lack of understanding of the outside world, so the death came across as a shock. Like Birling, she readily admits to having met the girl. But her father admits this because he is unable to see that he has done anything wrong; Sheila, on the other hand, admits this because she is genuinely ashamed and is trying to tell the truth. Of all the characters, hers is the only confession that does her credit Mrs Birling is first obstructive then defiant, and Gerald and Eric both confess at a point when they know they have been already found out. She is guilty of the sins of pride and envy she complained about the girl because she thought she was laughing at her, and because she was a very pretty girl too I couldnt be sorry for her. Although she asks how could I know what would happen afterwards, she does not try to escape from the blame. Priestly uses her as an example of someone who is vain and thoughtless, but not heartless: she is genuine when she says if I could help her now I would. But he intends the audience to learn the lesson that good intentions are no good if they come too late; Sheilas predicament is a warning to us. Enough was said for what Sheila had to do with the death, so the Inspector quickly moved on to Gerald. Gerald thinks he wont have any involvement with the death, but we now find out that Eva changed her name to Daisy Renton, this sparks of Gerald. He realises that he had become a close friend with her last summer. Everything is told and eventually we find out that he had an affair with her. He is naive in imagining that his involvement with the girl was all over and done with last summer, but generally comes to recognise that his actions have had lasting consequences. He finally responds with the same My God! as her death sinks in, that Eric used straight away, and from this point on, Priestly shows us Gerald in a different, more sympathetic light He shows sympathy for the girls situation, and his willingness at the County Hotel to hear her story shows he thought of her as an individual, unlike Birling or Mrs Birling. He feeds her, listens to her, and gives her money, without asking for anything in return. It is ambiguous whether she ended up as his mistress out of obligation or out of love, however; it is certain, though, that as the Inspector says he at least had some affection for her and made her happy for a time. Gerald is admirably honest in admitting the girls feelings were stronger than his and is now troubled by his behaviour and asks to be on his own. However, Mrs. Birling will not accept the fact that she also helped kill Eva Smith. We are told that she works for the Brumley Womens Organisation, and Eva smith asked for help from her. She asked for money to support her baby, because she told Mrs. Birling that she refused the stolen money that the man (who got her pregnant) offered her. Mrs. Birling took this as likely story and wouldnt accept it. She dominates those around her she calls Sheila a child and tells off the Inspector for being a trifle impertinent. Her lack of understanding of how other people live is shown in her snobbish comments about girls of that class, and in her unwillingness to believe the girls reasons for refusing to take the stolen money or marry the foolish young man responsible for her pregnancy. Her lack of understanding even extends to her own family and friends as she has been quite unaware of her own sons heavy drinking or of Alderman Meggartys womanising. She pronounces Geralds behaviour towards the girl disgusting, even though as the Inspector says he was the only one to make her happy. She remains untouched by the Inspectors questioning, and refuses to see how her actions could have been responsible for the girls death, even though the audience can clearly see that her refusal to help the girl could easily have led to her suicide. It is only when she realises that Eric was the childs father that she shows any signs of weakening, but the speed with which she recovers after the Inspectors departure emphasises how cold and unsympathetic a character she is. And last of all, the Inspector picks on Eric. He also had a relationship with her, but this was a result or Eric being drunk and forcing her to make love to him. In other words, rape. Unlike Gerald, Priestly describes Eric in the opening stage directions as not quite at ease. He has been expensively educated, and yet he is a disappointment to Birling: he and Gerald joke behind Geralds back, and his father patronises him. He is kept out of the information about his fathers possible knighthood, and when he really needed help he felt his father was not the kind of father a chap could go to when hes in trouble. His drinking is an open secret within the family (though Mrs Birling chooses not to admit it to herself), and suggests that he lacks self-discipline. This is borne out by the behaviour that is revealed in the course of the play: he forced himself into the girls lodgings despite her protests, drunk and in that state when a chap easily turns nasty, has made her pregnant, and has stolen money from his father. But he also has an honesty that others lack. He is the only one to respond spontaneously to details of the girls death, and when he is forced to admit how he behaved towards her he has a strong sense of guilt because the consequences of what he did are so serious. We also believe him when he tells Birling that he would have let the girl stay at the factory but Eric throughout the play is shown to be naive, even if his heart is often in the right place. (Stealing Birlings money, even though a crime in law, might be another example of this. ) He does not have the realistic outlook necessary to make a success of his life. He is also shown to be immature, regarding the girl as a good sport, although she treated him as a child. Like every character accused by the Inspector, he is shown to be a hypocrite the fat old tarts round the town disgust him, yet by this stage in her life, the girl is also a prostitute, though it is not clear whether Eric realises this. He appears to have learnt very little from his privileged education, yet he has been impressed by the Inspector. At the end, like Sheila, he refuses to pretend things are like they were before, and is frightened by the fact that the older generation appear not to have learnt anything. He wants his parents to admit their mistakes as freely as he has admitted his. Though he is not a particularly pleasant character, we may feel that he is sincerely ashamed of his behaviour and is capable of changing for the better. Eva smith, a young woman who died on her way to the Infirmary, was involved in many things in her life. She had something to do with every character, and maybe even the Inspector but we can not be too sure. She had a life of ups and downs and I think one of her highest points was when she met Gerald and that little relationship. I think this may have helped her along in life a bit because just before than she was sacked from her second job, it was her only hope, but being sacked pushed her towards the only option Prostitution. The Inspector says that she had kept a sort of diary, which helped him piece together the last two years of her life: However, in Act III we begin to wonder whether Eva ever really existed. Gerald says, Weve no proof it was the same photograph and therefore no proof it was the same girl. Birling adds, There wasnt the slightest proof that this Daisy Renton really was Eva Smith. Yet the final phone call, announcing that a police inspector is shortly to arrive at the Birlings house to investigate the suicide of a young girl, makes us realise that maybe Eva Smith did exist after all. I think she could represent the devil as she causes trouble in everyones life, its almost as though she meant to do everything she did do. However, Think about Evas name. Eva is similar to Eve, the first woman created by God in the Bible. Smith is the most common English surname. So, Eva Smith could represent every woman of her class. Geralds final service in the play is to reveal that Goole was not a real Inspector. He also carefully proves that Goole may not have shown everyone the same photograph, and it is he who takes the initiative in phoning the Infirmary to check whether a girl has actually died. His reaction is not triumphant (which is Birlings), but he is described as smiling, and he says that everythings all right now. The Whodunnit genre contributes towards the effect of the play but creating a great sense of mystery, urging the reader to read to find out who did it. The policeman in a whodunnit has a big role to play as he uncovers untold secrets; he is like the chairman of a debate. This is used in the play because is not sided towards one person, but uncovers all of their guilt.
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Myths about an Essay Writer Who Does Model Papers for You
5 Myths about an Essay Writer Who Does Model Papers for You 5 Myths about an Essay Writer Who Does Model Papers for You Have you ever wondered what an essay writer has in terms of qualifications? Many students are curious about hiring an essay writer but they are hesitant because of the many myths out there relating to the services they provide. There are 5 myths which will be debunked for you about an essay writer who does model papers for you: All Writers Are from India While it is true that there are many writers from India who handle model papers on behalf of students, not all writers come from that area. In fact, many writing services allow students to choose between native speakers and non-native speakers. Native speakers are generally more expensive while non-native speakers are cheaper. Those who fall under the category of non-native writers do not come necessarily from India but might be from Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Kenya. These are all popular places for non-native speakers to work online. Essay Writers Have Bad English It is not fair to state that any writer you select online will have bad English. There are many who do, but you need to carefully choose a custom writing service with good reviews, good feedback, good experience, and writers who have an extensive resume as a part of the company. Writers, who have extensive experience in the academic field, and positive feedback from happy clients, will have good English skills and are typically native speakers. Writers Don’t Make Any Changes This is not necessarily true. It happens with bad services and companies which fail to offer comprehensive and experienced providers. But those companies which are good will make changes if you ask them, and, in fact, many services have substantial revision policies as a part of the original agreement which means that a custom writer is required to provide you with the revisions you want. Writers Give Pre-Written Essays If you select a good writing service as well as a great writer, they will make sure that you get a high quality essay which has been written from scratch. Essay Writers Take Little Money for Their Work If you really want an experienced writer, you will have to pay for the cost of high quality work. If you are paying a cheap price, it is probably for a pre-written essay. So be prepared to get high quality work at a price. That being said, there are many writing services which offer custom essay writers who are qualified, provide unique papers, and speak English as their native language. It is really up to you to search for the best companies available based on reputation and experience before you hand over your payment for a model paper.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Energy Consumption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Energy Consumption - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that peak load values will be obtained when there is more demand on the electricity due to use of appliances. In this case peak load values in the student halls will be recorded during the early morning when the students will be preparing to go to class or any other activities they are involved in. The use of the instant heating showers, blow dryers, iron box coupled with the demand to ensure that the room is warm enough due to the morning cold, the amount of electricity in use instantaneously shoots up. Peak load can also be noticed in the evenings just when the students are coming back from their classes and other activities they have been engaging in during the day. The use of electrical appliances in use throughout the hall increases so does the demand for the energy to drive them, these appliances are mostly for entertainment purposes such as gaming console, television and stereo systems.This paper highlights that base load is the lowest avera ge in energy consumption at a particular period when the consumption is steady. Base load values will be obtained when there is less demand on the electricity. The best time to do this is at night when the students are preparing to sleep through to the time they are about to wake up. The results show a gradual decrease in base load from the month of January to the month of August after which it gradually increases. ... Base load values will be obtained when there is less demand on the electricity. In the students halls Base load values will be recorded during the day while most of the students will be away, because this brings down the overall consumption of energy although the values during the day might not be very reliable because of the students left in the halls since the will still be consuming the electricity this may take out the steady aspect in the calculation of base load values. The best time to do this is at night when the students are preparing to sleep through to the time they are about to wake up. This allows for consumption to go low and maintain a steady flow thus making it a more appropriate time to calculate the base load values. For this assignment the base load was calculated by averaging the consumption between 00:00 hours and 06:00 hours when the consumption was low and steady. The results were averaged again to find the base load for the month from January through to Octobe r. Also calculated was the difference in base load values to determine the change in base load values between months. The results were found and represented as follows: Monthly Base load Month Base load value Base load difference January 288411.8 0 February 314269.3 25857.5 March 338548.9 24279.6 April 361666.5 23117.6 May 384706.7 23040.2 June 407179.9 22473.2 July 425351.1 18171.2 August 441813.4 16462.3 September 458685.6 16872.2 October 477464.7 18779.1 The results show a gradual decrease in base load from the month of January to the month of August after which it gradually increases. This could probably be attributed to the change in weather since it gets cold around late August and beginning of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Information Systems and Business Processes Essay
Information Systems and Business Processes - Essay Example This approach will affect the revenue and cost of running the video game business (Halpin at el., 2011). Additionally, it will allow proper understanding and incorporation of the management approach since the business strategic assets as a process will allow the managers to understand, improve, and manage value-adding services to the clients or children. Business information systems are usually applied in the business processes to provide required information in delivering services to the clients. The advancement in the internet provides services provide a perfect platform for the business information systems to be used effective and interactively in service delivery (Brocke and Rosemann, 2010). Therefore, in the video game business, the internet will be used to source the information from the clients or children and the service or game provider (Dumas, 2013). Additionally, the business will apply the computer technology or the already readily available software for billing and timin g the game. The use of these technologies will ensure that even distribution time to all games is achieved. Additionally, the same software will enable the business to calculate its profits or losses as it is expected that the system will register all times used per computer. Notably, effective application of the timing and billing technology of the video games per video game will reduce cost of running the business since only one employee may be able to run all the computers in the rooms from a central point. Moreover, there will be increased efficiency and effectiveness in running the business. However, a challenge may emerge when (Halpin at el., 2011); the entrusted employee to the business learns a new technique or mode of adjusting time to these systems. In essence, if that occurs, then losses may be registered without knowing since calculations of time and cumulative amount generated in the business will be calculated from coded data. When such may be the case, then the busine ss plans to incorporate additional data point that is only known to the business owner (Dumas, 2013). This data storage point must code the same information as that managed by the employee; however, edition of such information must never affect its data. Additionally, the systems using internet are usually pound to virus threats. To ensure that all the games are accessible effectively and efficiently at all times to the clients, the business shall ensure that it is abreast with all antivirus software among other new technologies in the market that protect it products and services from being effective to the clients (Halpin at el., 2011). To ensure that children do not misuse the internet by login into antisocial site, the business will use internet technological software or knowledge to ensure that such site are not accessible within its servers (Halpin at el., 2011). Additionally, the business shall ensure that only its programs can operate through its products or computer systems (Brocke and Rosemann, 2010). Therefore, to ensure that this is achieved and children maintain high morals without being unethical and antisocial within the business enterprise, complicated software such as the windows 2008 will be installed so children can only access limited applications. Nonetheless, the use of such complicated software will also increase creativity and critical thinking of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Difference between Branding and Brand Equity Essay Example for Free
Difference between Branding and Brand Equity Essay â€Å"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending†. (Bard qtd. in. ThinkExist. com) This quote shows one fact that the process of ‘branding’ is endless. Because, simply, when ‘brand equity’ is known or measured, the brand could be protected and managed properly. This essay aims at giving an overview of the ‘branding’ and ‘brand equity’ terms or concepts to show the difference between both of them. And due to the fact that â€Å"both terms are usually defined around the concept of adding value to a product (or service)†(Binnie 17), it could be hard for some people to differentiate between both of them. That’s why the best approach to realize the difference between ‘branding’ and ‘brand equity’ is to dig and search in the literature to define both terms to know what is meant by each one of them. However, before separating each term from the other -to know the difference between both of them-, let’s move to the real world to have an idea about a simple fact concerning a certain brand (Coca-Cola in this case). This interesting example –mentioned by Blackett- deserves to be mentioned here to realize how important a brand could be for a company. â€Å"By mid-2002, Coca-Cola Company’s stock market value reached $136 billion, while the business net asset value (the book value) was only $10. 5 billion†. (5) The interesting fact here is when we add this information to the fact that: â€Å"The value of Coca-Cola brand for the same period (mid-2002) was estimated by $70 billion (over half of the $136 intangible value mentioned above! . †(Blackett 5) Then, after realizing the importance of ‘branding’ to the company in the marketplace -in the previous example-, it’s time to know what is meant by both terms, ‘branding’ and ‘brand equity’. First of all, a ‘brand’ is defined by the Dictionary of Business and Management as â€Å"a name, sign or symbol used to identify items or services of the seller(s) and to differ entiate them from goods of competitors. †(qtd. in. BuildingBrands Ltd. ) However, a ‘brand’ is more than a name, a sign or a symbol. In another word, this definition is not sufficient to describe the term ‘brand’. Grimaldi gave a better definition for the term ‘brand’ as â€Å"a combination of attributes, communicated through a name, or a symbol, that influences a thought-process in the mind of an audience and creates value. †And this is what Blackett assured when he mentioned that â€Å"the visual distinctiveness of a brand may be a combination of any of the following: name, letters, numbers, a symbol, a signature, a shape, a slogan, a color, a particular typeface. (3) Also, Davis (2) defined the ‘brand’ term as â€Å"all the promises and perceptions that an organization ‘wants’ its customers to feel about its product(s) and service offerings. †(2) Now, moving to the ‘branding’ concept or term, according to Davis (1), ‘branding’ is a complex ‘process’, but its goal is simple: it is the creation and development of a specific identity for a company, product, commodity, group, or person. †(3) Grimaldi mentioned an interesting definition for ‘branding’: The blend of art and science that ‘manages associations’ between a brand and memories in the mind of the brand’s audience. †And this blend â€Å"involves focusing resources on selected tangible and intangible attributes to differentiate the brand in an attractive, meaningful and compelling way for the targeted audience. †Now, after understanding what is meant by both ‘bra nd’ and ‘branding’ terms, it’s time to know what is meant by ‘brand equity’ term or concept. The ‘brand equity’ concept â€Å"emerged in the early 1990s†, (Tuominen 96) and introduced in marketing literature in the 1980s†(Rajh 1) and before mentioning definitions of this term, it is necessary to realize that â€Å"brand equity is the key to understanding the net impact of marketing†(Reynolds and Philips qtd. in. Binnie 16) According to Hoeffler and Keller, â€Å"most definitions of brand equity rely on ‘brand knowledge’ structures in the minds of consumers –individuals or organizations-†(421 qtd. in. Binnie 17). And Pullig gave a simple definition to the term ‘brand equity’ as â€Å"consumer brand knowledge†. Keller also defined the ‘brand equity’ term as â€Å"the ‘differential consumer response’ from ‘knowing’ the brand†. (qtd. in. Binnie 17) According to Keller and Kevin, ‘brand equity’ is â€Å"the value of the brand in the marketplace†(qtd. in. Pullig). McDonald added another dimension when she defined it as â€Å"the stored value built up in a brand which can be used to gain ‘market advantage’†(2). So, after studying these definitions, it is obvious -as Tuominen mentioned- that â€Å"there are three key ingredients in the ‘brand equity’ definition and they are: (1) brand knowledge, (2) differential effect, and (3) consumer response to marketing. †(75) Finally, according to these definitions, it is obvious that (1) ‘branding’ is the process of creating, developing, protecting, and managing the special identity of the product, or the ‘brand’ (to differentiate it in the marketplace) and it is not only marketing effort, it includes all the companies efforts to build this differentiation; (2) the ‘brand’ is the end result of that process or the combination of all the tools used to create this special identity of the product; and (3) the ‘brand equity’ is the ‘feedback’ of the ‘branding’ process or the key to measure, assess, or weigh the end result ‘brand’ –as we saw previously in the Coca-Cola example- and compare it with what is desired or planned in the ‘branding’ process. In another word, ‘brand equity’ will show whether the ‘branding’ process and other marketing efforts (or even public relations) are on the right track or not.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Acquiring Target Corporation Essay -- Business
ACQUIRING TARGET CORPORATION INTRODUCTION The current economic recession has taken a toll on corporations. Those who survive stay within their financial means, are innovative in retaining and attracting customers, and use technology to distinguish themselves from their competitors. Target Corporation is a company that possesses all of these characteristics. While some companies have cut payroll or ceased to exist, Target Corporation has survived in the economic recession and is positioned to gain further market share as economic conditions continue to improve. The purpose of this report is to analyze Target Corporation’s financial statements, determine the future growth potential of the company, and make a recommendation for or against the acquisition of the company. POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH Although many competing companies are projecting insignificant profit growth over the next few years, Target Corporation is projecting profit growth in the near future. Target expects 2012 annual sales to increase by four to five percent (Target Corporation, 2011). When combined with their continued emphasis on technology, customer rewards, and customer relations, the future of Target Corporation looks bright. Making Use of Technology Target Corporation recognizes the importance of technology in reaching its customers. In 2011 the company launched a completely redesigned website that focuses on ease of use. Target also has an industry leading mobile application that allows the company to reach its customers regardless of where they are located. In fact, Mobile Commerce Daily named Target the â€Å"2010 Mobile Retailer of the Year†(Target Corporation, 2011). It is in this sector that Target’s potential for growth is the highe... ...ved March 11, 2012, from http://sites.target.com/site/en/company/page.jsp?contentId=WCMP04-031794 Microsoft Network. (2012, March 8). Target Corp. Retrieved from MSN.Money: http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/ Moore, P. (n.d.) Target to add PFresh grocery concept at 350 stores. Business News – The Business Journals. Retrieved March 13, 2012, from http://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/stories/2009/11/16/daily32.html Target Acquisition. (2011, January 13). Target Pressroom. Retrieved March 13, 2012, from http://pressroom.target.com/pr/news/target-corporation-to-acquire-real-estate.aspx Target Corporation. (2011, March 11). Target 2010 Annual Report. Retrieved March 9, 2012, from http://investors.target.com Target Corporation. (2012, February 23). Target Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2011 Earnings. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from http://investors.target.com
Monday, November 11, 2019
Media and Language Essay
The article discusses about how Facebook is really affecting one’s feeling of being lonely. It also states the different sources or causes for a person to be like one. Facebook is said to be an instrument to increase a person’s social life and interaction with others but for most researchers, it is also a source of loneliness. Yvette Vicker’s death was connected to a heart attack which was reportedly caused by loneliness. She called distant fans before her death rather than her family and friends. Loneliness and being alone is not the same thing. Being lonely is a psychological state while being alone is an external condition. Loneliness can be measured through the UCLA Scale. Researchers found out that as time goes by, the number of people who feel lonely increases. Professional carers is widely needed because of the alarming number of lonely beings which are then had become a public health issue. It can lead to certain illness like dementia, insomnia, obesity, hormonal imbalance, etc. Many like to be alone or independent because they get some satisfaction over that kind of system but what they don’t know is that their exposing themselves into a world of pure loneliness. Family traits are changing because of the changing world. Some engage into social networking because of the urge to belong to a social group. This may be because of a poor household interaction between families. Scanning through others posts may lead to loneliness because people would tend to realize why other people have this and that while they do not. Why people experience this and that and they do not. Facebook draws a person into a world of illusion instead of being able to realize reality. It can be helpful if one can use it as a tool to engage social gatherings or interactions and not a substitute to one. Technology may be helpful or not to improving one’s life but it is for the user to limit its usage, maybe for better or for worse. The author concluded that connection is not the same as bond. People let themselves be drawn into a connection which is not forever connected and a form of disintegration from this connection may lead to a worse scenario. So the text talks about the relation of loneliness to Facebook. I am a vivid Facebook user and yes, I felt lonely at some times. When I do not know what else to do, I try to scan through my wall and see some posts there about other people’s lives and how they feel and even what is currently happening to them. Some of those posts appeal to my senses. I feel envy of what other people have, in the material and social aspect. I am not into social interaction with those who I do not really know and from what I have observed, those people who talk to others via social networking sites are one those who are popular in reality and I also think that they are sometimes being plastic to others. Many admire their popularity and because of that, admirers always make a way to interact with them and also, the ones who are being admired are feeling good about it. That is only my opinion but I do not mind them. Also, I do not use social networking just to seek importance from other person like others do. I use it for communication and entertainment purposes only. I just want some communication with my friends and family and that is all I need to live a not so noticeable yet a full life. So I agree at some points of this article. It is the people who should control technology and not the technology who should control the person.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Johann Kilian and the Wends: the Foundation of Lutheranism in Texas
Through this course (LCMS History) and others, I have heard the story of German Lutherans who left Europe and settled near Saint Louis, Missouri, under the leadership of Martin Stephan and (soon thereafter) C. F. W. Walther. This story seems quite familiar to many of my seminary classmates who originate from the Midwest and nearby regions. As a nearly lifelong resident of Texas, I had never before heard much of that story. The Lutherans in my communities generally have a different history – one involving a people group known as the Wends. These histories have merged at some point between their beginnings and the present; both communities are currently at home in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and share in fellowship and confession. Naturally several questions arise for further investigation. Who are the Wendish people? Who led them to America? Why did they come to America? What is their religious history? How did they integrate with the Missouri Synod? Why are they a valuable people group in our church body? Answering each of these essential questions necessitates a fairly broad scope, though certainly a coherent inspection. To address the topics at hand, I will present first a brief overview of the European climate during the time that the Wends left Germany as well as an account of their migration. Second, I will offer a concise biography of Johann Kilian, the early leader of the Texan Wendish community. Third, I will describe historically significant moments of interaction between the Lutheran Wends and the LCMS (and its predecessors and associated church bodies) and illustrate how these events contributed to the Wendish assimilation into the LCMS. Each of these components serves the purpose of presenting the Wendish community as a significant component of American Lutheranism, and one with an enduring impact on the LCMS church body. The necessary information is gathered mostly through printed and published texts on the subject at hand. It is also shaped by personal memory of this topic through experiences with members of the Wendish community as well as its associated institutions. Content in support of my purpose is present in these following paragraphs. European Pressures and the Wendish Migration In the early 19th century, the Wends were culturally and politically suppressed by their dominant political leaders. The land of the Wendish people, Lusatia, was intentionally divided between Saxon and Prussian rule. This virtually eliminated any possibility for national independence; the Wendish language became increasingly distinct between the nationalities (Caldwell1961). Also, they were economically dependent on German landholders and had little opportunity for social success. Those who sought better standards of living left their farmland for cities such as Bautzen and generally assimilated into the German culture in the process. A very small group of the Wends was training for the clergy in Prague and in Leipzig; as these students encountered political theories and topics of higher education they developed into the intelligentsia of the Wendish community. These educated people served as the leadership that the Wends needed to rise out of their lowly confinement (Grider 1982). Religious difficulties also characterized this time period. The Wends experienced great pressure to participate in Prussian Unionism, instituted by the Calvinist-leaning King of Prussia, Frederick William III (Nielsen 1989). Since the time of the Reformation, the majority of the Wendish people had been Protestants. This switch to Lutheranism distinguished the Wends religiously from the mainly Catholic Czechs and Poles with whom they shared many cultural and linguistic similarities (Grider 1982). As a people they were very interested in maintaining a definite and self-defined identity, distinct from surrounding people groups. This mandate of Prussian Unionism was an affront to this endeavor. Many spoke against this offensive consolidation, including Johann Kilian who was at that time a young student of theology at the University of Leipzig. In this context of religious pressure, a group of deeply conservative Wends began worshipping together in a private house-church. By 1845 they had established a small congregation with a building devoted as their worship space. After nine more years enduring religious antagonism, a core group of lay leaders drafted, in 1854, a constitution to govern the migration of the whole congregation to a new land with religious freedom. At this time, the congregation issued a call to Kilian, requesting that he shepherd them on their journey and minister to them in their future situation (Grider 1982). Kilian, eager to employ his missionary education, accepted their call. Additionally â€Å"agricultural disasters†during the mid-1800s spurred the Wends into discussions of leaving Germany/Prussia and seeking a new land for a new opportunity. Some impoverished German farmers, with whom the Wends were amiable, had already immigrated to America and Australia. Their joyous letters to the homeland were published by the German press and encouraged these hopeful Wendish immigrants. Of the Wends immigrating to Texas, the â€Å"first trickle of Wendish adventurers†(Grider 1982) arrived around 1850. A group of 35 set sail for America in 1853 but wrecked off the shore of Cuba. While stranded on the island, many learned how to roll cigars to supplement their income during their stranded time. Eventually compassionate German organizations in Havana, Cuba, and New Orleans funded and arranged for their transport to Galveston. One year after this small group’s arrival in Galveston, the â€Å"highly educated and forceful†(Grider 1982) Pastor Johann Kilian led a boatload of 600 of his congregants, pious and devout Wendish Lutherans, from Germany to Galveston. They made their voyage on the Ben Nevis, still considered within the Texan Wendish community as a counterpart of the English Pilgrims’ Mayflower (Grider 1982). Kilian was the only professional, educated man in the congregation; all the others were farmers and craftsmen. Yet the people possessed between them an adequate variety of skills to guarantee a self-sufficient colony. This group established the town of Serbin, which continues to be a place of cultural influence in central Texas. The Life of Johann Kilian The only son of Wendish farmers in Upper Lusatia, Johann Kilian was born on March 22, 1811. Two years later his mother, Maria Kilian nee Mattig, and his infant sister died. His grandmother helped to care for him for the next three years at which time his father, Peter Kilian, remarried. Soon thereafter his grandmother died. In 1821, while Kilian was ten years old, his father also died. Following the death of his parents, he inherited enough money to fund his education at the gymnasium (high school) in the chief Wendish city of Beutzen (Caldwell 1961). Johann found himself under the care of his uncle who leased the child’s inherited property and used the income to support the boy’s schooling. One can only imagine what sort of psychological impact these deaths must have had on young Kilian. According to Nielsen (2003), â€Å"nothing in his writings indicate any anxiety during these early years. †It is likely that during his youth with his extended family he began to learn about Christian living and developed a deep hope in the resurrection promise. Kilian spent more than four years at the Gymnasium in Beutzen. There he was educated in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, and German; Wendish was only used in private and in his earlier years in grade school. Kilian and some of his classmates organized a Wendish club on campus to facilitate informal conversation in their mother tongue (Nielsen 2003). He was quite successful in Beutzen and soon enrolled at the University of Leipzig to study theology, where he once again encountered a Wendish circle. This organization propagated a rising attitude of Wendish nationalism, especially in contrast with German culture. Rather than associating with this divisive group, Kilian joined a German club whose central goal was â€Å"the preservation of pure Lutheran teaching†(Nielsen 2003). This decision seems to have been more of a growing attraction toward orthodox Lutheranism than a rejection of Wendish culture. It also seems that in this association He was taking a stand in contrast to the majority of the faculty of Leipzig who were heavily influenced by rationalism at the time. In 1835, Kilian obtained his license to preach and was assigned to an assisting position at Hochkirch, a large parish which included several surrounding viliages. The following year, he travelled to Switzerland and attended a small mission school in Basel, remembering his childhood vow to become a foreign missionary. Back in eastern Germany, his uncle (different from the one who had helped to raise him as a child) was the pastor of a Lutheran church in Kotitz; he died while Killian was away at school. Then in 1837 Kilian returned to Kotitz and received his full ordination. This enabled him to assume the senior pastorate there (Nielsen 2003). Most of the Wends in his congregation could not understand German, so Kilian undertook several translation projects for the benefit of his flock. He published a book containing twenty eight hymns in Wendish; some were translations of German hymns and a few were his original pieces. These musical arrangments were very well received by both his own congregation and numerous other Lutheran Wendish assemblies. He continued to translate many German songs and eventually produced more than one hundred of his own hymns (Nielsen 2003). These hymns emphasize the centrality of Jesus in Christian living and often contain declarations of profound hope. Several of his songs and poems are contained in a collection edited by David Zersen (2010). Included, here, is one verse from Kilian’s hymn, â€Å"Blessed Land†: Jesus leads his saints on earth: Witnesses are we! Sadness, trials, suffering? Faithful we will be! Christ is our life. There’s a kingdom waiting there; No more sorrow, no more care. Christ is our life. In addition to his musical translation efforts, Kilian translated the Lutheran Confessions into Wendish. He began with Luther’s Small Catechism in the late 1840s and finished the remainder of the confessions in 1854. Other prominent Wendish intellectuals frequently frowned upon his efforts, insisting that importing German religious thinking would contaminate the Wendish culture. They preferred to advance hopeful nationalism for the Wends and showed little priority for proper doctrinal adherence. Kilian disagreed with their attitude and continued â€Å"translating religious works into the mother tongue to enrich the language and simultaneously nourish religious life†(Nielsen 2003). These exercises in translation eventually led to a reasonable popularity for Kilian, especially among likeminded Wendish Lutherans. One such congregation of people at Weigersdorf was becoming increasingly troubled by the pressures of Prussian Unionism. In 1844 they issued a call to Kilian with hopes that he would agree to lead them in their migration away from their oppressive setting. Kilian accepted the call on two conditions. He required that the congregation would pledge faithfulness to pure Lutheran doctrine and also that the congregation acquire an immigration permit from the appropriate Prussian authorities. (Nielsen 2003). Kilian over the next several years served this as well as other parishes (especially one in Klitten) which shared in the Lutheran confession. During that time, he married Maria Groschel, with whom he had four children while they remained in Europe – only one of which survived into maturity (Nielsen 2003). Religious pressures continued to build until in 1854, a group of 600 Wendish Lutherans (under Kilian’s shepherding) began the process of relocating to Texas. While Kilian is often credited with leadership of this venture, such wording is misleading at best. He did not object to the exodus from Europe, but the instigation of the process was from the laypeople. Kilian’s role was to accompany them as their pastor (Nielsen 2003). The journey was characterized by illness, danger, and loss of life. Kilian was heavily relied upon for his pastoral care at several points on the journey. In one instance while at sea, several people were suffering from sea-sickness below the deck. The captain of the Ben Nevis (the ship that carried them across the Atlantic) instructed that the migrants come up for fresh air to improve their health. Some did not cooperate with the captain’s orders. Kilian gently persuaded those who remained below deck to come up. While this shows the authority the Wends saw in Kilian, it also caused resentment from some because he was exceeding his religious responsibilities. The voyagers eventually crossed the Atlantic and arrived at the port of Galveston. They then travelled to central Texas and established the colony of Serbin. For the next three decades, Kilian served the Texan Wends as their pastor and endeavored to connect them with likeminded believers in their new land (Nielsen 2003). Eventually he was able to forge a confessional relationship with the Missouri Lutherans and connect his people to a larger church body. After Kilian’s death on September 12, 1884, many tributes were written about him. These included a handful of lengthy pieces n Der Luteraner, the official periodical of the synod (Martens 2011). The Texan Road to Missouri â€Å"Religious isolation was not part of his tradition†(Nielsen 2003). In Texas, Kilian became a friend of Caspar Braun, a Lutheran who had already been in Texas for about five years. Braun had formed the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Texas and served as its first president. While Kilian certainly en joyed his friendship with Braun, he was hesitant to join this Texas Synod because he considered that it shared too many similarities with the Prussian Union which he had left. He also lamented the lack of enriching liturgy in its churches (Nielsen 2003). Rather he became drawn to the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States. Geography was certainly a hindrance to fellowship with this church body, he considered it far less of a barrier than theological incompatibility. In his effort to establish fellowship with the Missouri Synod, he wrote a letter introducing himself and the Wends to C. F. W. Walther, who was also born in 1811. Though Kilian and Walther did attend the University of Leipzig simultaneously in 1832, there is no indication in any of their correspondence that they knew each other before they were in America. Kilian had learned of Walther chiefly through his writings. He owned a copy of Walther’s Stimme der Kirche in der Frage von Kirche und Amt. Kilian agreed with Walther’s position on church polity which â€Å"empowered the voters’ assembly as the supreme authority and diminished the power of the ecclesiastical leaders†(Nielsen 2003). His congregation joined the Missouri Synod in 1866 with Kilian as the first Missouri Synod pastor in the state of Texas. Under Kilian’s pastoral leadership, the Wends became fervent supporters of synodical education and eventually began to issue calls to American-trained pastors. By 1877 nearly a dozen pastors were serving Missouri Synod congregations in Texas and the group gained recognition as the Texas Conference of the Western District. Only a couple years later, the Southern District was organized, ranging from El Paso, Texas, to San Augustine, Florida. Then in 1903, the Texas District of the LCMS was formed; it contained 23 congregations, nearly 40 pastors, and 11 school teachers. Concluding Remarks The Texas District of the LCMS owes its genesis to the migration of the Wends and the pastoral leadership of Johann Kilian. It is now one of the largest districts in the LCMS and has produced more synodical presidents (Behnken, Harms, and Kieschnick) than any other district. The Wendish culture and religious experiences have shaped and continue to shape the theological thinking of Texas Lutherans. It is especially for these reasons that the Wends are a valuable people group in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Rainforest Biomes essays
Rainforest Biomes essays Tropical rainforests cover about 6% of the Earth's total land surface. They are mainly located around the belt at the equator. The climate of the rainforest is warm most of the year and has a lot of rain through most of the year. The climate is perfect for animals and plant growth. Even though the rainforests cover such a little amount of land mass of the Earth, they are home to the largest number of plant and animal species in such a concentrated area. Scientists believe that the tropical rainforests of the world might hold up to ninety percent of the plant and animal species on earth. The Amazon River drains the world's largest tropical rainforest, the Amazon. It is thought to have about 3000 species of fish, more than are contained in the entire North Atlantic. It is estimated that a typical patch of rainforest just six kilometers square contains as many as 1500 species of flowering plants, 750 species of tree, 400 species of bird, 150 species of butterfly, 100 species of reptile, and 60 species of amphibian. There are so many insects that scientists can only estimate that, every two and a half acres may contain as many as 42,000 species. Tropical rainforests cover about six percent of the Earth's total land surface area. They are mainly located around the belt at the equator, in the Amazon basin in South America, the Congo basin and other lowland regions in Africa, and they are both on the mainland and the islands off of Southeast Asia. They are especially abundant on Sumatra and New Guinea. Small areas are also found in Central America and along the Queens land coast of Australia. The tropical rainforests climate is very warm, it has an average annual temperature of greater than 20 degrees Celsius. They also have very little seasonal variation in temperature or day length, which is very favorable for plant growth. The tropical rainforest's temperature ranges from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius and they have more than 250 c...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Carbon Essay Example For Students
Carbon Essay CarbonWithout the element of carbon, life as we know it would not exist. Carbon provides the framework for all tissues of plants and animals. They arebuilt of elements grouped around chains or rings made of carbon atoms. Carbonalso provides common fuelscoal, oil, gasoline, and natural gas. Sugar, starch,and paper are compounds of carbon with hydrogen and oxygen. Proteins such ashair, meat, and silk contain these and other elements such as nitrogen,phosphorus, and sulfur. More than six and a half million compounds of the element carbon, manytimes more then those of any other element, are known, and more are discoveredand synthesized each week. Hundreds of carbon compounds are commerciallyimportant but the element itself in the forms of diamond, graphite, charcoal,and carbon black is also used in a variety of manufactured products. Besides the wide occurrence of carbon in compounds, two forms of theelementdiamond and graphite, are deposited in widely scattered locationsaround the Earth. PROPERTIES OF CARBONSymbol = CAtomic Number = 6Atomic Weight = 12.011Density at 68 Degrees F = 1.88-3.53Boiling Point = 8,721 degrees FMelting Point = 6,420 degrees F
Saturday, November 2, 2019
A cross sectional study of tension headache among Ahlia University Thesis
A cross sectional study of tension headache among Ahlia University male students in the Kingdom of Bahrain - Thesis Example Technology has become the mantra of this generation. Cyber technology has allowed people to access the world at their fingertips. No matter how comfortable life today is, we cannot deny the fact that more and more people are being stressed a lot. We now live in a fast-paced environment where people wake up early in the morning, start their day with a cup of coffee, and then rush off to school or work. Some even juggle work and school at the same time. Living through a day is one big headache. Sometimes, some detest getting up in the morning. No matter how convenient living in this century is, it does not always equal to happiness. There are events in one’s life that may cause one to be unhappy. These unpleasant events are one of the causes of tension headache. What is tension headache? Tension headache or tension-type headache is the most common type of chronic recurring head pain (Blanda). According to the International Headache Society, tension - type headache is the most co mmon type of primary headache: its lifetime prevalence in the general population ranges in different studies from 30 to 78%. At the same time, it is the least studied of the primary headache disorders, despite the fact that it has the highest socio-economic impact. It can be further classified as episodic headache, chronic tension-type headache.... There may be mild nausea, photophobia or phonophobia. According to Schwartz, Stewart, Simon and Lipton, tension-type headache is a highly prevalent condition. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, tension headaches affects up to 78% of the general population. It is also the most neglected and undertreated type of headache. Tension – type headache has no specific cause. It is often triggered by emotional tension, anxiety, tiredness or stress. It can affect both young and old. Young students who seem to be healthy but have a lifestyle full of stress often put themselves at a very high risk for tension headaches. Treatment goals for tension headache usually includes analgesics and massage therapy. Through the help of evidenced - based practice, new approaches towards tension headache emerged. Physiotherapy has greatly contributed in the treatment of tension headaches. Despite the comfortable lifestyle that people have, the incidence of tension headache is increa sing. There is evidence that biofeedback, yoga and relaxation techniques can help relieve pain and lower the number of headaches (University of Maryland Medical Center). This study focuses on the prevalence of tension headache across college departments as it relates to the difficulty of courses. Statement of the Problem This research aims to look into the relationship of course difficulty and the incidence of tension headache among the male students of Ahlia University in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the frequency of occurrence of tension headache among the respondents? 2. What is the common characteristic of pain among the
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